Harrier X-Ray CCD TDI Line-Scan Detector

X-ray Sensitive CCD Time Delay Integration (TDI) Line-Scan Camera Products

HarrierThe XTI12848 CCD TDI Series Camera is designed for high-resolution (48 microns) radiographic in-line imaging applications at energy levels ranging from 15 KV to 225 KV.

A compact camera design combines scintillation for conversion of x-ray and gamma-ray photons to visible light, and fiber optics for conveying the visible light to a shielded, off-axis linear imaging diode array. A collection of hardware for interfacing to computers and software including drivers, an intuitive application programming interface (API), example code software, and standard inspection application expedite developments of x-ray scanning systems. Typical applications include PCB inspection, battery inspection, chip counting, continuous weld inspection and other Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) imaging where higher inspection rates and higher quality imaging are required.

TDI (Time Delay Integration) imaging is based on the concept of accumulating multiple line-scans which provides significantly increased responsivity, higher resolution, greater scanning speeds, decreased noise and increased SNRs/CNRs when compared to other technologies, including single-scan Linear Diode Array (LDA) imagers as illustrated.