Request for RMA

Warranty, Replacement and Repair/Paid Repair

If a X-Scan product is found to be defective, you can request an RMA (Return Material Authorisation) claim for repair or replacement. You must first contact X-Scan so we can verify whether your product is within its warranty period or not. Please provide your company name, X-Scan product number, serial number, and a short description of the problem, etc.


  1. Please contact X-Scan for troubleshooting advice.
  2. If we are unable to resolve your issue via troubleshooting, we will provide you with an RMA number and RMA instructions.
  3. If the product is within its warranty period, X-Scan will repair the product at no cost and cover the shipping costs; if the product is outside of warranty conditions, any repair will be chargeable, and you will pay for the shipping cost. X-Scan will issue a quotation for the repair.
  4. Please follow the RMA number and RMA instructions and send back the product.
  5. X-Scan will send back your product once it is fixed.

RMA request link